Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bees, honey, and allergies...and GMO's

I went to Whole Foods today and there was a girl there that was selling raw honey.  I had a taste, and YUM!  I was wanting to get some because so many say that local honey helps with allergies.  Well, thankfully, I have not had any fall allergies this year for some reason???  I always do, so I have been baffled as to why I don't yet!  So, anyways, she went on to explain that her honey was raw (which means, not heated in any way - which I love because it preserves the healthy enzymes in the honey that heating destroys), and the bees that made the honey were in a nature preserve that had totally ALL non-GMO plants and vegetables, and soil that was pesticide/herbicide free.  For $5 that was totally worth it to me!  But, it was so sad because she was telling me that bees that pollinate from plants that are genetically modified will immediately start tremoring and will start trying to clean themselves from the pollen that they just collected.  And, there will be a ton of bee babies and it will look like a completely healthy situation, but these bees that are collecting from GM plants are just leaving their babies high and dry!  So, there are areas where bees are disappearing.  This is such a tragedy in ways I can't even begin to imagine.  We need bees!!!  I also just read the other day that many countries in Europe and Australia are banning GMO foods, and our good 'ole FDA here in America keeps touting the safety of these foods. frustrating to me.  So, if you're going to plant your own garden by the way, the best seeds to get are organic and heirloom seeds.  These are seeds that have not been genetically modified in any way and will keep producing seeds year after year.  There is a documentary I have heard of and have not yet been able to watch called, "Vanishing of the Bees."  I would think that it would be worth checking out for the health of our whole country.  Also, I went to Trader Joe's today and the lady at the checkout was telling me that the Trader Joe's brands should all be NON-GMO.  I was so excited to hear this; although, I probably need to confirm that with the manager there.  Anyways, food for thought.

I was just reading the other day about how several countries are now banning foods that are Genetically Modified (called GMO foods).  So, she was telling me

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